Monday, March 21, 2011

Avatars meaning behind just being blue

They say that you don’t really love something until it’s gone, the dualism between humans as the master and Mother Nature as the inferior being that is being destroyed is portrayed in the film Avatar. An avatar show, what is the master narrative of our time is that we must conquer or kill the land and animals in order to have absolute control. The film show a different race called the Na’vi (the blue people not the annoying little fairy in Zelda) and their entirely different ways of life compared to humans, the Na’vi respect and take care of nature and nature respects the Na’vi and gives them what they need to survive an example of symbiosis. Jake who is a Marine in the movie that becomes a Na’vi by going in to a thing called a avatar, after spending time with the Na’vi he starts to become ecocentric and sees the beauty in nature instead of just wanting to use the planet Pandora for resources he develops a ecological conscience, and is able to truly see what we as humans are doing to the world around us. 
   One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Jake plugs himself into the ancestral tree asking for help somehow but Neytiri tells Jake the tree has no opinion it just observes and will listen but will not do anything, that although the tree holds together a system of life around Pandora it does not choose sides even though the Na’vi are trying to save the natural planet of Pandora and the humans are destroying the planet the tree just watches everything the tree is thinking like a mountain. Although avatar takes place in Pandora it greatly represents what we as people are doing to the land around us, out narrative self’s have become so focused on money and fame that part of our master narrative is that we must be Anthropocentric , the Na’vi have the right concepts in order to live with the environment not kill it. We as a people must take a stand and have communities that respect nature instead of destroy; Avatar showed millions of people that all life is precarious life that just because something is there today does not mean it will be their tomorrow. Aldo Leopold got to witness the death of nature though the eyes of a wolf, just like Jake saw the death of nature in the tree, and both realized that there is a land pyramid that dirt is not dirt but the thing that gives life to everything. 
  In order to change the narrative self we need to change what we think we need to know what “the hidden meaning in the howl of the wolf, long known among mountains, but seldom perceived among men.”(Leopold Thinking Like a Mountain pg 2)  and if avatar is any indicator if we as people don’t start to understand and live with nature we will soon miss the thing we didn’t know how much we loved.

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